Dear sisters ...... we are always so lucky to have kind sisters like cloudnine. I know she is excited and also tired from the last few days, but she still selflessly sacrificed her rest time to translate a detailed account of the Hohoemi event for us. Cloudnine, for those of us who cannot attend the event, I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
original : Daily Yonsama Mail by Kei san - Dec 15
translated from Japanese to English : cloudnine
First there was a video footage shot when BYJ visited Children’s Medical Center (Kanagawa Pref.) Beside the scenes previously aired, there were some unreleased scenes. We saw several scenes in which he visited hospitalized children and their parents and one of them was a baby who was born four months earlier. Patting gently the baby BYJ said to her mother, “This baby wanted to see her mother sooner” I was really moved by this.
When asked about the premature babies he said, “ I was 4400 grams when I was born.”. (Jaime : hehe, he's a BIG BABY!) This caused the laughter from the audience. I guess BYJ family responded to the figure of 4400 and other fans responded to the large number. ( ̄▽ ̄)b
Right after the video was over, the stage was spotlighted and Yong Joon was there!
My eyes had been glued to the screen so I had no idea when he came up to the stage. (cloud nine: he came up from the lower level.)

Waving his hands he answered to Yong Joon calls from the audience. A Q and A session followed. . *The following dialogues are not exactly the same as Yong Joon said because I wrote according to my memory. I would like to ask you to just feel the atmosphere.
First of all his greeting.
“Everyone of my family, Good evening. I greet you after a long time. I’m very happy to be in such a significant place with you. …I have wanted to see you…”
A bit bashfully he said “Pogossipo sumnida – I wanted to see you”, which was very cute.
The talk show was supposed to be done with mc and BYJ sitting on chairs, however, when they were going to take chairs, fans in the block behind the stage shouted, “We can’t see …!” (laugh) Suddenly(!?) talk show was going to be done on the rotating stage.

Asked about this project he said, “When children were born and if they have no chance to live in this world, it is very sad I think. Because of the polluted air and bad environ-
ment, a lot of premature babies have been born. I think everyone is responsible for this.
I would like to ask your sufficient interest and cooperation. I would like to protect precious lives that make our future. “
What made you to join the project?
“I have a keen interest in the earth’s environment and I hope this project will create an opportunity that Asian children restore their smiles.”
What inspired you to start charity work?
“I was totally inspired by everyone of my family. As I always receive true love so I wish to react to the love. “
The item which will be put up for auction is the brown coat that he wore in WLS. Besides special wine will be given to those who set the high price.
”I gave this coat to my manger, but he has kept it in a good conditions for the day when it is used for a good purpose.”
“This is my favorite brand wine and I put the label of the book ‘Travel to search for the beauty of Korea’.”

Then he said to mc Hide, “Can I offer one more?” and started to take off his necktie quickly. As I had thought that the gesture of a man taking off his necktie was sexy, I was a bit excited with this petit live show of changing!?
This necktie was put up for auction.

Yong Joon also signed an autograph on the object (cloud nine: it’s a transparent globe every artist was asked to sign.) He wrote the Chinese character of ‘Love’ and signed his name below. When I saw the letter of Love I got slightly teary. (>_<) Then he fixed his collar (cloud nine: he didn’t tidy up his collar after he took his tie off and I myself felt uneasy, but he didn’t seem to care. Finally the interpreter suggested him to fix it.) Watching this mc Hide misunderstood that Yong Joon would take off his jacket and said, “I thought you would put your suit up for auction. If you keep taking off your clothes it will be Yakyu ken game.” (cloud nine: Yakyu ken is a game played with two people. They do rock-scissors-paper and the loser has to take of one’s clothes.) (-_-;)

Mc Hide suddenly asked Yong Joon about his marriage.
To answer the question, “Everyone of my family, please introduce someone to me.” said Yong Joon…I automatically wanted to raise my hand…but I only have sons. ( ̄▽ ̄;)
“When I find someone to marry, I would like to introduce her to you, my family first and foremost.”
Then he talked about ‘Dream High’ as his future activity. The images shown on the screens were all new to us and there we saw Yong Joon playing a role of the board chairman.
Today’s event in Tokyo Dome was being shot to use as a part of Dream High. He said finally, “I will make an effort to produce a good drama.”

The time was up. MC Hide asked him for the last message…”It’ll come to an end so soon…”, he looked unsatisfied.
((´-ω-`) Kei tweets: Hide, say something ad- lib..)
“The time I share with my family goes so quickly. I’m always grateful to you and I feel sorry too. I’ll try to do more activities in 2011. While listening to the theme song I thought that no matter how hard and difficult things we might encounter, we will strive for a big dream taking each other’s hands and comforting each other.”
“ (In Japanese) I love you my family.”

Kei’s comments:
He looked so cool when he run up the stairs. Yong Joon’s appearance in this event was not much, but how come I have a sense of satisfaction? Are we happy just to see attractive Yong Joon? I am happy to join this significant event.
Auction will begin from today on Rakuten’s auction site. On my way home I met up with Fuyuka and some other sisters and we said each other, “Yong Joon was so cool~.”
I guess every sister also shared her excitement with others here and there.