Hi hi sisters .... errr, this isn't really BYJ news, more of my own. But since it has some BYJ bits in it, I'll post it here. In the past weekend, I made my solo Nihon Buyo (Japanese dance) debut. I was undeserving to have so many dear sisters coming all the way to cheer me on. Thank you so much for being so sweet and encouraging, I truly feel so much love from you :) The very cute card with their well wishes ......
The super gorgeous pink floral basket. They even brought the handsome man (for moral support) who first inspired me to go for the seemingly impossible and then to do my best! I was so moved to see his picture and my sisters' beautiful smiles :)
Life is amazing when you are learning new knowledge! If you're interested, you're welcome to check out my 'Sakura no Yume' blog :)