Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Keep them coming :)

Hi Hi .... we must really miss him. His pictures just keep coming :) Ahhhh.... isn't that like a 'Annie Hall' frame? Waw, our prince was quite dressed up today - pinstripes suit, silver grey tie and cuff links :)

original from JOB, reposted in baidu/yj2829. Thanks much much!

Hi, 2 more from chanmi300, posted by mizuumi in byjgallery, thanks for sharing!


Anonymous said...

Hi Jaime

Thanks so much for bringing us the latest pix so quickly. He looks so bright and happy. I feel so happy . . . even though I can't meet him. So weird.

Wish you good luck . . . in meeting our dear King of course, :)


PS. I've reposted the pix on soompi. Hope you don't mind. Thanks

jaime said...

Hi alcy,

Thanks for sharing in soompi so other sisters can enjoy :) Hehe thanks, I need all the luck I can get.

love ... jaime

jenny said...

Dear Jaime

Thanks thanks thanks for the pic . He look gorgeous,good and happy. Me to feel happy to see him again .


Jenny Chee

regie said...

dear jaime,

thank you, thank you, thank you for posting it. Gosh!do you smile to yourself when you saw him smiling? or it's just me???

So glad to see that he looks happy and well, and off course handsome as usual.

take care n peace,

regie said...
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jaime said...

Hi Jenny,

thanks for dropping by. glad you enjoy the pictures :)

love .. jaime

jaime said...

Hi regie,

Yes, my heart feels very happy when I see his warm smile. That's how he captures all our hearts :)

love .. .jaime