Friday, August 14, 2009


Hi dear sisters ..... we're back from Singapore today, have been sleeping the whole day - so exhausted (^:^) Hehe, how we do feel about princess' kingdom? 1 word : IMPRESSED :) When I gain my energy back, I'll share the wonderful places we have visited, ok?

Thank you so much my dear sisters for your kind concerns for the safety of our Japanese sisters. You are all so caring and sweet, I am truly grateful. Read that there were more hits on Aug 10 and 11 after I left Monday. Fortunately it didn't cause too much disruptions to the functioning of the city. Tokyo really works like a well-oiled machine, everyone is so calm and matter-of-fact. Guess only us foreigners freak out abit, as Japanese have always been educated to prepare for earthquake emergency. Hope you all a nice weekend ahead :)


Cecy said...


Cecy said...

te felicito por tu blog y comparto con tigo mi admiracion y amor por byj.

jennychee said...

Dear jaime

Happy to hear that u were back to japan and hv a happy and impressive trip to singapore . Waiting for your interesting post of singapore. Have a nice and great weekend with your family.

To all taiwan sisters

I undertand there is a terrible flood in taiwan. I hope all the taiwan sisters is safe and sound . May god bless all of you .

Sorry jaime for using yr space here .

Take care and cheers

Jenny Chee

xiaoyi said...

Dear Jaime,

Glad u have had a great trip to Singapore. Where did u manage to visit? Hope your boy had a great time too.

Hope there's lesser natural disasters or epidemics ard the world...

Take care and take a good rest.

Loves, xiaoyi

Anonymous said...

Dear Jaime and Bae sisters;
The good news is that Karunungan --a Journal in Philosophy published by the Philippine Academy of Philosophical Research through the University of Santo Tomas in Manila Philippines will be available in September. The September 2009 issue contains my paper on Confucius, Karl Jung and Bae Yong Joon as King, Lover, Warrior and Magician.
Would you kindly tell me how I can send a copy to Bae Yong Joon.
Sarang Hamnida,
josephine pasricha

chakachan said...

hiya ms. jaime,
just read BB's blog..and she said the nicest stuff about you!! ha ha you're a true lady?! goodness..i have to behave myself if i do meet you one of these days!! ha ha is trully a blessing to have close friendship with some of our baesisters..i wish your friendships would last a's rare to find friends nowdays who are supportive and honest.
do you know why i love visiting your blog? because you have this personal not only read our comments, but you find the time to answer back to every single one of us..that for me is trully amazing!! you made us count. you made us important. you respect what our opinions are and you rarely say anything bad about a comment or about someone. BB was right, i can't really say that we are friends, because we don't have a bond, like you do with her and other close sisters, but i feel connected, even if it's 2 minutes or 2 hours..just reading your blog, it makes me feel that somehow i just might be a little, tiny, part of that close circle that you have formed with some baesisters...thank you for letting me become close to you for even a minute of your time. have a well deserved rest...take care!!


jaime said...

Hi cecis joon,

Thank you for coming by. I have to pull hubby over to translate your Spanish for me (haha gosh, he only learned it when he was a little boy :) Anyway, thanks for loving Yong Joon and share with us.

love .... Jaime

jaime said...

Hi Hi Jenny Chee,

Sorry for the late reply. Yes, I will try to do the Singapore journal soon cause there are so many great sights to share :) Thanks for coming by!

love .... jaime

jaime said...

Dear xiaoyi,

Thanks for writing to me and sending me the wonderful Singapore info. My son had a great time, he found all the action figures (you know, the transformers etc...) that he love and we ate so much :)
Hope you are having a wonderful summer with your boys!

love .... jaime

jaime said...

Dear Josephine,

Sorry for the late reply. So wonderful to hear that you are planning to send your paper to Yong Joon. I have looked up info about BOF, the official website is, the location is written in Korean. I then went to KOB homepage, The contact address is :

16F, Kum-Ha Bldg 41-2, Cheongdam-Dong, Kangnam-Ku, Seoul, Korea.

Good luck! Hehe, would you like to share with us too? Thanks!

love .... jaime

jaime said...

Dear chakachan,

You almost move me to tears. I should be thanking you and other sisters who visit my little home here and share your thoughts, especially in your case, your story with me. I appreciate you spending your precious time to read my posts and write me comments (even though I have been so slow lately). You ARE a part of our Bae family, and my dear Bae sister too! Please look me up when you come for the events, ok?

Thanks for this comment, I am thinking a future post on this topic too. Please take care!

love .... jaime