Hi hi sisters ...... While I am reading some fans' accounts of Yong Joon's reaction, the scene of 'MinHyung looking so concerned after Yujin got hurt while trying to save him' crossed my mind. I'd like to capture these extracts :
Original from Yellow Angel (http://cafe.daum.net/byjintoronto)
Reposted from xiaoyi’s blog – translated by suehan
Yong Joon, "I’m going to visit the hospital."
Toru (Korean fan) said, "I should have gotten hurt."
The others (moer Korean fans) said too, "I should have gotten hurt."
Joonie said, "I should have gotten hurt."
Original from yuri's blog
Reposted from Quilt / flor
"YJ came to hospital to visit us at 7pm last night.
He held our hands tightly.
His expression is very sad ....."
How fate ties drama into life!

It's all my responsibility.
I am truly sorry, and thank you!
Please rest well. 
Besides hoping that the injured have a speedy recovery, we hope that Yong Joon will move on to make something positive out of this experience. He is not only a loving and caring person, he is also a marvellous leader. We can see how swift his management team came out to take care of the injured and handle publicity issues, perhaps they can learn and improve on future tours and events. It will break his fans' hearts (including the injurd sisters) to see him blaming himself and wishing he was the one who got hurt! I just read a motivated post in baidu, allow me to translate and share it with you :
You cannot decide how long you live, but you can decide how full your life is.
You cannot influence the weather, but you can adjust your own mood.
You cannot alter your face, but you can show off your smile.
You cannot control others, but you can take charge of yourself.
You cannot predict about tomorrow, but you can make full use of today.
You cannot force the end result, but you can manage the process.
You cannot ask for everything to go smoothly, but you can try your best at everything you do.
Author : Unknown