Friday, March 12, 2010

A freaky mishap

Hi hi sisters ...... So, you've been glued to your computer waiting for any news on how our handsome prince looked today and what he did with the fans? Well, thanks to our diligent sisters like xiaoyi and bb for sharing, we are able to get bits and pieces of info. According to the Japanese fans who attended, they were divided into groups of 10 to view the outdoor filming from the 3rd floor hotel rooms. Silly me, that ship thingy is actually a hotel structure built to look like a cruise ship!

After the filming, 1500 fans again were grouped into 100 each and had their turns taking a 'family' picture with Yong Joon! Wow, lucky lucky fans :) You probably have heard by now that about 28 Japanese fans were injured when the strong wind blew down parts of the filming set. I can imagine the chaos when our helpless Japanese sisters were hit by the debris and the pain our Yong Joon feels for them :(

Yong Joon and CJW later on thanked the fans for attending and apologized about the accident. No wonder Yong Joon and his staffs looked so grim in this picture. Hope everyone will feel better again after he visits the injured sisters in the hospital. Let's wait for happier news soon :)


Anonymous said...

Hi Jaime

So good to see new entries here. Was getting worried about you cos you were also not updating your other blog. Hope things are ok for you at home.

I hope our dear YJ doesn't take the accident too hard. Well, those injured sisters may get to shake his hand after all?

Best rgds

annacronism said...

Hi, sister Jaime.
How sad that so many of our dear sisters were injured on a day that started out to be so exciting and happy. I pray for a speedy recovery for each and every one of them. I thank you and all of the other sisters who have kept the rest of us informed about these events.
Love, Anna

yudi said...

Dear Jaime,

I am very upset by the news, lucky lucky thing is the injuries of the sisters are not very serious. I can’t imagine how much pressure YJ bears, not only for this time but for any of family’s massive gatherings. Things may turn out to be unexpected because of some uncontrollable factors. Hope YJ doesn’t blame himself too much and all injured sisters will recover soon.


Karen said...

hi hi jaime,

I am so sorry to heard abt the news last nite. I hope the sisters who injured not too serious n I pray for them to have speedy recovery..

Jaime, actually I will be going to bealand with my hubby,n I hope too I will have the chance to see our handsome prince...hehehe...but very slim of chances..
Honestly speaking, I did not know any sisters there, but this round I follow a tour so hopefully I managed to go some of our prince places ya...n tks for your good luck sis...:D

Pls take care

Hugs Hugs ~

jaime said...

hi hi alcy,

so sorry for causing you worry. i am fine, just too busy to update.

love .. .jaime

jaime said...

hi hi anna,

you are right. what started as a happy day for fans of Yong Joon and WLS turned out so sad :( Life is unpredictable, eh? Lucky that most injuries are minor.

love ... jaime

jaime said...

hi hi yudi,

you're right. remember tokyo dome last year? actually i was more worried at that time of us contracting the deadly flu! imagine 45000 poeple in a closed dome for 2 days, plus numerous fan gatherings? i remember yong joon was also concerned that his family would catch the flu last year and he vowed to fight it. lucky that no one reported any sickness after the 2 events. this time is a pure freak accident and no one could have prevented nature's fury. hope everyone will be fine soon.

love .. jaime

jaime said...

hi hi karen,

i hope you and your hubby will have a wonderful time in baeland. lucky lucky you :) hehe, remember to take the winter sonata tour to nami island and chuncheon. i still regret not going there because i had to hop onto the tour bus to DMZ, my hubby's wish :(

hehe of course, i sincerely hope you can see the handsome prince in person :) try to cheer him up, ok?

have fun and stay safe!
love ... jaime