"You can dance, you can jive ....... Having the time of your life,
See that girl, watch that scene ....... Dig in the dancing queen!"

Yes yes, the wonderful music of ABBA is still ringing in my ears! If I am not sitting down and blogging now, I would have stood up and danced to my heart's content, hehe or until those old bones start to crack!
Last night, cloudnine (I heard that music is also ringing in her ears!), kiyomi, tamatamasan and I attended a special screening of MamaMia. Watching Meryl Streep and her 'young at heart' costars defying the odds on age and danced their sweats out, it just made me feel so alive and full of energy too! :)

How could we not think of our precious JunSang when the song 'Dancing Queen' came up? Hehe, we uttered Yujin and these images immediately popped up in my mind @@

This is an aside : It just happened last night there was a red carpet premiere event of Brad Pitt's new movie "The curious case of Benjamin Button", in the SAME cinema as ours! Well, I confess - we did try (not very hard though) to catch a glimpse of the glamorous Pitt-Jolie couple but was blocked by lots of young fans. They were not too far from us, so we did hear Brad Pitt spoke for a short while.

Coincidentally, last month I did catch a short glimpse of Keanu Reeves (by chance also) when he came to Tokyo for his movie premiere "The Day the Earth stood still". The guy looked pretty cool. Well, I guess if you live in LA/Hollywood, you probably bump into these stars in the supermarket everyday. But you have to excuse a country bumpkin like me who only lives in this glamorous city once, this 'convenient' chance is just too much of a waste to pass up :)