Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Contemplating a New Career

Published April 2006)

From the accounts of so many generous sisters who have shared their experiences of encountering BYJ, I am surprised to find out that not only it’s almost impossible to talk to him. You have to be on God’s good side to even catch a glimpse of him. During the Toronto Film Festival, it’s really not that hard to spot Robert De Niro or Michael Douglas strolling down the street with a latte in their hands (ok ok, they are not exactly the heartthrob type). I can comprehend how huge superstar BYJ is in Asia! I guess desperate times call for desperate measures. I said to myself, “ummm…, I cannot leave it up to luck or act of God to grant me that opportunity to meet him”. I’ve got to be more proactive or do something more innovative (regrettably the two traits that I never possess)! How do I get to know HRH and see him and talk to him every day???? BINGO!!!! I can get a job working close to him! Oh Jaime girl, you are so brilliant!

So I started watching his videos closely (frame by frame) - Saitama Reunion, Asia Tour, Gosireh Opening, you name it. I notice every time he goes out on public appearance, he always bring along an entourage of at least 20 of his closest aid. Hey, maybe there are some spots I can squeeze in to work by his side. Ummm, let me see, now there’s the :

- ever present dashing Manager Yang (I can’t take his job though cause he is princess bb and yokee’s SECOND main man! Ok next….)

- cute and talented Ms. Hong (Yongjoon trusts himself totally to her fashion style. With me? He’ll probably be on his way to the next Blackwell’s WORST-dressed list!)

- newly married Director Bae (no no, he needs a job NOW more than anyone else to feed his new bride. Gee …. I am such a softie!)

- courteous interpreter Mr. Hwang (so far I’ve learned close to 50 Korean words – hana, dool, set, net, and the multi-purpose “KEN-TSAN-NYO “! …... am I qualified?)

- artistic photographer Mr. Kim (ok tell me honestly Yong Joon ssi, will you consider “handling a disposable camera” a MARKETABLE skill in my resume?)

- personal trainer JP-nim (how can I come up with a recipe “YUMMIER” than that infamous chicken breast shake? Yikkkeee!)

- muscular bodyguard standing over 6’2”, 250 lbs (shall I take him on with my 5’5”, 110 lbs skin and bone body ? Better not, I only want to meet HRH, not being CRUSHED to a piece of gum!)

I keep going down the list : the hair stylist, makeup artist, videographer, publicist …….. Sigh! These are all topnotched, renowned professional at the top of their respective fields. That’s all Yong Joon wants anyway – BEST of the BEST! Ok ok, I know I am out of their league. BUT, I am NOT giving up that easy! I am known for my flexibility, I can certainly improvise a few NEW positions as circumstances arise :

- with his ever growing fortune, he probably needs a ‘professional shopper’ to scout the globe for the best champagne, caviar, historic villa, luxury yacht and supersonic jet to indulge after a long hard day of work. Here is where I fit in perfectly, shopping happens to be one of my better life skills (or so my poor husband can attest to). However I heard Yong Joon is a down-to-earth, kind-hearted and generous person, he rather donates his money to worthy causes than splurge it. No problem, then how about being his ‘Investment Portfolio Advisor’? Ummm, sounds impressive, I like that! But do you think that he minds I flunked basically most of my Finance and Economics courses in university : 101, 201, 301 …. . for dozing off zzzzz during lectures? Even I would NOT trust my OWN financial advice, why would Yong Joon ssi?

- Ha, how about being his interior designer? I love getting up at 2 o’clock in the morning and re-arrange all my furniture until I think I got it perfect. Except in the morning that poor husband keeps bumping into table and chairs that were not there the night before! Recently, we Bae sisters have the pleasure of peeking into Yong Joon’s home (Socom CF) and his pride and joy restaurant – Gorilla and Gosireh. I am sure we all agree that his design taste is impeccable : urban minimalism, high-end designer chic. However, it’s totally incompatible to my eclectic style (anything that costs $0 or less) – namely a mixture of hand-me-downs, curb-side discards and Salvation Army rejects. So dear sisters, no matter how much I adore Yong Joon ssi, I will not compromise my design style (or the lack of it) to please a client. So, this deal’s off!

- These days most of the Hollywood’s “who’s who” all have their own autobiography. With Yoon Joon being a sweeping phenomenon in Asia (and the world) and commanding such a distinguished career, he definitely should have an autobiography about his life and works. I (moi) volunteer to be HRH’s personal biographer and stay by his side for as long as it takes (which can be forever, hehehe!). Mr. Hwang, how many times am I allowed to reuse the ONLY 50 Korean words that I know to write a book??

Aye, by now, I have come to realize the cruel facts that I am only qualified for jobs which require absolutely no skill and no brain at all. I’d better dig deep and fast before even those jobs are snatched up by other high IQ sisters. So, I am back to square one, checking his interviews/trips videos frame by frame and VOILA! I FOUND IT! I FOUND MY DREAM JOB! Now now sisters, let’s not fight over it. In fact, I found a few. Let’s share, ok?

- ‘air quality controller’ a.k.a. ‘fan girl’ : Yes! There are actually 2 girls whose sole responsibilities are to fan him while he was walking back and forth from stage. They also dry his sweats during interview breaks by lifting up his silky shiny hair and pat a tissue gently on his sexy forehead and neck (aye …. tough job)! If I were them, I would just cool him off by blowing wind to his face …..can’t breatheee ….(NOW Jaime, this is WAY OUT OF LINE! SHAME ON YOU! Anymore of this, you will be BANNED from the BYJ family forever!). Ok ok sorry, what can I say? My willpower is weak, sigh! ….. Now the million dollar question : how do I get that job? No I CAN’T, unless I am willing to wait 40 years for those girls to RETIRE.

- ‘disposal engineer’ a.k.a. ‘garbage girl’ : when Yongjoon finishes smoking his cigarette or chewing his gum, somebody has to dispose it for him, right? (I am risking my life here since I can’t breathe cigarette smokes at all. But for HRH’s sake, I am willing to bend the rules a little. Hey! I didn’t say I have principles.) I remember bb wrote in her blog, during the AS Super Live concert in Yonsei University : whenever HRH made a slight turn in his head, before you know what’s going on, one staff with supersonic reflex already disposed the gum for him. (Thanks to sister mariko’s reminder : this job should actually be called “treasure collector”, who would want to throw away anything that our dear handsome prince has touched?! So what that it is a cigarette butt or chewed gum!)

- ‘hydro supply manager’ a.k.a. ’water girl’ : this is it, this is the one! I notice our health-conscious Yong Joon loves drinking water, and lots of it too : during the Beijing press conference, Japan trips, IMAGE interview etc.. I have no problem strapping at least 10 bottles of water around my body at any one time. You name it, I got it : hot/cold, mineral/spring, carbonated/non-carbonated, flavoured/unflavoured; standing by and ready to serve.

Now, fantasy time ……

They say you only have the first 2 minutes in an interview to make an impression. So I strode into his room with my head held up high (disregarding the yelling staff running after me), slammed open the door and fully confident to demonstrate my proficiency in the new job. Oh my God! There HE was, his Royal Highness / the National Treasure of Korea / the larger-than-life Yonsama was just coming out of a shower, body still dripping with water, wrapped in a towel like an angel! That fresh clean gorgeous face, smooth sexy muscular body! Oh no …. I don’t need 2 minutes, all I took was 2 seconds to turn myself into a complete idiot! And what an impression I made - I was starstruck / lovestruck and worst, BYJ-syndrome-struck. I have lost control of almost all my bodily functions, except fixating my eyeballs on the gorgeous man and murmuring googoogaagaa. Help! …. I can’t breathe. Will somebody in the room please give me mouth-to-mouth resuscitation? NO, not JUST anybody! I meant THAT body – that ultra sexy heavenly King! While he was startled (of course, I acted like a lunatic trespassing into his room), he still remained calm and looked at me with his concerned eyes, drowning me with his warm smile. In the background, I heard some thundering, high-pitched voice yelling “YOU”RE FIRED!!!!” louder and faster than “YOU’RE HIRED”.

Sigh! My chance of landing a dream job of being close to HRH is shattered. I hope you dear sisters out there will have better luck than me. That’s why I am writing this story out as a lesson (not to be) learned. As for me, I guess I better stick back to my day job of being a desperate housewife (in case I lose that one too!).


Anonymous said...

Hi Chinggu!

Hahahahahahha! BRAVO! I remember you wrote this sometime on Quilt & now with a little additive. How can you come up with such wondrous ideas for some very lucrative jobs(at least being so close to HRH)? I would give up all my desperatey job anytime to take on any of your suggested work just to be by HRH 24/7. Would even give up all my day-offs, time-outs, holidays, overtime & extra pay(even working for free, if necessary ,hehhehehe!) to be on my hands & feet waiting for HRH's orders forever. Wouldn't mind sleeping beside him too, hehehheheheheh! Hey, give me this chance after all the free work I'll be doing, hohohoho!

Another masterpiece & we won't mind re-reading again & again everything that you've posted b4 coz it is such a joy for us everyday to visit here.

Love lots,

jaime said...

hehe, thanks chinggu for bearing w/ me for a few more days of reposting old articles. I want to have everything organized and in place before the TWSSG hurricane hits :)

liezle said...

really cute! thanks for the laugh again jaime ^^

gosijo said...

Re-reading this post is like finding an old friend again. Thanks for the memories, dear Jaime!

jaime said...

hi again liezle .... thanks for reading. I will hop over to soompi soon. see u later!

jaime said...

dear gosijo,

I'm glad you don't find these old posts boring. I'm worried that I'm repeating myself too much. So happy that you are back. We'll get together soon, ok?

love .. jaime

bbmag said...

your postings boring...? never?! and the gals are all right, it sure is fun re-reading these :p

Anonymous said...

Hi Jaime,
I'm Yee, I've got your blog from BB's. This is the first time I read your article and makes me laugh so hard, really enjoy it. You girls (my Bae sisters)are so talented with full sense of humour,I love you all.
Come to think of it, we've never heard about any crazy stalker of him, like some crazy stalkers of these Hollywood stars.
Our sweet prince is loved gently by his fans, Kawaii ....
BTW, haven't heard anything from HappieH lately ...

jaime said...

hehe princess, thank Q. same here, I always love reading your old posts, gives me a whole new enjoyment every time :)

jaime said...

Hi Yee,

thanks for dropping by my humble blog. hehe of course, I know you from bb's blog, she has a large and loyal fan followings.

Yeah, I am very worried about heippieh too. I have tried to reach her many times but in vain. I hope she is doing fine, and maybe just want to take a break.
Hmmmm ..... I wonder if it has to take THE KING to bring her back? ;)

MYMY said...

jaimey onni! i love the part where ur husband always have boobus in the morning bec of ur efforts decorating the house... why? bec i sometimes also do that :p :@ :p
and i remember that even my cat stumbled (he just woke up) bec of wat i did...
that crazy cat i missed him so much and when i arrive in the phil he didnt recognized me...

jaime said...

hahaha mymy, I'm glad cats have 9 lives. You can keep re-arranging your furnitures and your dear kittie will still be jumping up & down ;)