Monday, October 22, 2007


Dear sisters .... The title of this Baidu post really caught my eyes, the scene is drawn from a future episode. For sisters who don't read Chinese, it literally translates to "the man in front of you ..... is King". However in this context, it does not just refer to any man on the street. It has an implication of 'the special man in a woman's life', per se. To his ministers, guards and peasants, Damdeok may be the all mighty, divine King of Jyooshin; but to Sujini, he is simply HER MAN - a real life partner on an equal level. Listen to their sweetheart dialogue :

Damdeok : Will you stick by me?

Sujini : Stick by you? Am I the flea in your bed?

Damdeok : Can you be agreeable just once and say 'yes'? The man standing in front of you .... is King.

Sujini : Yes. (Damdeok smiles contentedly)

Hehe, just a few short words, but it reveals the mischief, power, respect and understanding in the love between Damdeok and Sujini.

Now dear sisters, what is 'the man in front of you ..... is _______' to you? :)

original vod by AQUA in
translated by 石灰虫之虫 from 蓝宝石别墅吧
reposted by wlbyj in Baidu


HeippieH said...

Thanks for sharing. Glad to know you are fine. Please take care.

jaime said...

my dear h,

thanks for dropping by. I love your series of 'Art of Negotiation' on TWSSG. Please keep them coming!

love ... jaime