Hi dear sisters ....... You know, I just dragged my old weary body in the door after watching MamaMia again tonight. Hehe, please don’t be mistaken, I wasn't a 'Dancing Queen' in the cinema even though I was soooo tempted to dance. I actually had my Japanese dance lesson the whole afternoon and my back and legs are protesting like crazy! How delightful it is to come back and read all your thoughtful comments. I'd like to gather some of your thoughts and add my own 2 cents on relationship ....... 
Hyds brought up this issue which I think some Yong Joon fans are concerned about : "the question if the woman is in love with the real BYJ; not just his money, fame, beauty or the character he portrayed". Dear Hyds, I personally think every person comes in a package - BYJ is a super star, a successful business tycoon, a perfectionist and probably a romantic lover. These are what make up his whole package, it’s impossible to separate or ignore any aspects. Just like when someone meeting a prospective spouse – the appearance, profession, characters, interests and goals all represent him/her as a person. A person’s profession and goals pretty much indicate how successful and fulfilled they are in life. The characters, values and interests will determine whether two people can get along. So, it's inevitable that a woman will be attracted to BYJ becasue of his person as well as his wealth (his fame will be more of a detriment actually). Hehe, but I honestly can’t imagine any woman not melt for our Yong Joon based solely on the merits of his characters, can you?

As both our Myoce and Hyds shared how their husbands complement their own personalities (so happy for you both), dear Moontime also believes that "We all have someone that completes us". We always hear people use the term ‘better/other half’ to refer to one's spouse. As our society and family structure is rapidly evolving, demands on a woman and so as expectations from a woman have expanded. I don’t think a spouse is only someone who spends time with you and share your feelings anymore. I honestly find it unfair to expect our spouse to fulfill all our emotional needs. We have our friends, our interests, our aspirations to fill that gap too, the more friends the merrier. The fact is, I am thinking of something more concrete, I hope a spouse is someone whom you can build your future with, someone who has a common goal and agreement with you on how you will both shape your lifestyles. I see a spouse more of a 'crucial piece of missing puzzle' in a person's life now, what about you?

It’s funny how our dear Gosijo and Moontime both mentioned about Yong Joon being attracted to a dancer. Hahaha, is our prince’s dancing really that bad?? The handsome hunk can master tough sports like horseback riding, snowboarding and martial arts, how can a little rhythm pose any problem to him? Hehe, Gosijo and Moontime, hope I don't sound too practical here. I was actually thinking along the line of a profession/skill. Remember Yong Joon had attempted twice on the university entrance exam to enter Law and Architecture? Wouldn't it cross his mind "What if I were a .......?" Then does a woman of the following qualities arouse any interests? How about an ethical lawyer who advocates for rights of the less privileged? Or an aspiring architect in designing eco-friendly buildings? Or a dedicated doctor caring for AIDS-infected children? Or ..... hahaha, it's all hypothetical, ok :)

Hehe anyway, there is no right or wrong in this topic. We are all sharing what we experience in our lives, in our corner of the world. What works for one may not work for another. Thanks to Lin Chen, yudi, newbie and chakachan and all the sisters for your precious comments. We are in this family because we love Yong Joon and value each other's friendship, we wish him happiness and will support him in whatever he does. Please take care!