Friday, February 20, 2009

Gently Handsome

Hi Hi sisters ...... These pictures show off the beauty of his gentleness. Have a nice weekend!

from byjfan/kaorin


Hydee Pole Photography said...

I was only offline for a day and you have posted so many ;-) hehehhe can't cope! Help! I love all of them!!! have picked my favorites already ;-)
Thanks Jaime.
Love, Hyds

Lin said...

Hi Jaime,
Thanks for these nice pictures. So cute, so handsome and he is really brilliant! The beauty kills all our hearts, and you, once more time repeated the pain!!!
Hehe, that is true, but not a complaint! Thanks again, Jaime.
May I hug you?!
With Love

jaime said...

Hi Hyds,

Sorry, I know I should have been more discriminative and picked a few of my favorites. But HRH really has no bad pictures, they are all gorgeous. I can't even choose anymore ^o^

love .... jaime

jaime said...

Hi Hi Lin,

May I guess you are meaning eye strain and heart burn from staring at HRH's pictures for too long? :)
Hehe, sorry to be the deliverer of 'pain'? Please be prepared for more as we will have his full-bodied shots soon!

I just found out that you also have a blog on BYJ and wrote you a comment. Hug you back!

love ... jaime

Anonymous said...


just wondering how in the world can a woman match up on ds guy? my mother always said that your partner/ husband is your equal.

i just thought that he maybe wanted a perfect woman,,,that's why his alone???or something?? do you think byj ever love a woman ever???i really wonder????


Anonymous said...

Dear Jaime -
my first comment, but I am here all the time and enjoy your humour, wit and wisdoms!

wanted to let you know, this "handsome" series is my favourite...our prince's gentle nature warms my heart. it brings light in otherwise stressful times we are in...

take care and thank you for all you do for the family :)


jaime said...

Hi newbie,

interesting question, your mom is right. marriage is a 50/50 partnership. please allow me to raise it as a post. thanks for writing to me.

regards ... jaime

jaime said...

Dear Wing,

Welcome and thanks for your kind words. Yes yes, we always enjoy his handsomeness. Sometimes too much for too long and have no time for anything else, eh? Please take care!

regards ... jaime

Lin said...

hi jaime,
Big thanks for visit my blog and share all feelings, photos and your insight thoughts to us.
I am very happy since the day I know YJ and know you all. Really a new place with love and beauty to comfort me once I am in bad mood.
Thanks for all.
With love

Unknown said...

Dear Jaime,

First time visit your blogspot. Ohh I love it. U wrote so much, must really find time reading it. I really enjoy the photos.

jaime said...

hi hafizah,

welcome to my little home! glad you enjoy the pictures, our prince is so handsome, eh?

regards .. jaime